Thursday, June 08, 2006

Cut out this article, make copies and hang it on your fridge

so that the next time some idiot dares to bring up the alleged “humanitarian” crisis in Gaza Strip (formerly known as the breadbasket of Israel) they can literally eat these words (this account taken from Arutz Sheva):
While the Hamas/Palestinian Authority continues to claim hunger and impoverishment because of the world's financial boycott, 111 truckloads of TV sets have entered Gaza over the past two weeks. The televisions, imported by Israelis and resold to PA importers for sale to end users, were shipped through the Karni Crossing. The upswing in television purchases in the PA may be related to the start of the World Cup soccer games in Europe, broadcast throughout the Middle East. The price in Israel to watch the World Cup is some 300 shekels.

Lt.-Col. Shlomo Dror, speaking with Arutz-7's correspondent Haggai Huberman, confirmed the report, and said that 400 trucks enter every day with food and medicines. Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni yesterday told American envoy David Walsh that the Hamas-led PA government refused Israel's offer of 50 million shekels worth of medicines, instead demanding that Israel provide the cash equivalent from the tax revenues Israel began withholding since the Hamas took over the PA. Israel's decision is to use the money for humanitarian purposes, and not to transfer money that is likely to be used to fund attacks against Israelis.

Several weeks ago, Israel turned to the PA, via the World Health Organization (WHO), in an attempt to find out which hospitals they should provide with medical equipment and medicines. WHO officials came back with an answer a few days ago, saying that the PA is not interested in receiving medicines, but rather cash.

Ynet is carrying a similar story sans the television import figures. What’s the team most likely to be favoured by Fatah and Hamas so I can bet against them.

h/t Boker tov, Boulder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know, I know. Look, they were given greenhouses, and the they had the knowledge to use them...and they destroyed them. They don't want money, they want to destroy Israel. They don't want humanitarian aide, they want to destroy Israel. I'm against giving them anything.

The electricity went off in some places in Israel, rolling black outs, causing harm to her citizens, is there an outcry? But if they were to cut off the electricity in Gaza...

But will anyone listen or care? Or will the world keep pacifying these people, to the detriment of all...including Muslims and Arabs who want peace.

ps. cool security coding, but how does the blind person find it in the first place? Just curious, I'm sure there is an answer.